The curator of the Capital Cultural Fund prepares the decisions for the Joint Committee. He or she chairs the jury, has voting rights, and takes part in its meetings. He or she presents the jury’s—or in some cases his or her own—funding recommendations to the Joint Committee.
The curator is also a member of and spokesperson for the panel of experts for the funding program for especially relevant exhibitions.
The curator decides on the allocation of funding from the Capital Cultural Fund for the presentation of especially successful projects (Wiederaufnahme).
Appointment of the curator
The curator is appointed for two years to the Capital Cultural Fund by the Joint Committee. The appointment may be extended once.
Leonie Baumann

Appointed curator from April 1, 2022, to March 31, 2024; appointment extended by two years to March 31, 2026.
Up to May 2021, Leonie Baumann was president of weißensee kunsthochschule berlin. Her professional career started in Osnabrück in 1980, where she established a network between the university and the city of Osnabrück. Since 1985, she is working in Berlin in various cultural fields: Initially, she was director and publisher for art in public in Berlin. From 1991 to early 2011, she was director of the neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst (nGbK). During all these years, she had been chairwoman of various associations. At the end of the 1980s up to the beginning 1990s she could successfully receive the institutional funding for the society of Aktives Museum - Faschismus und Widerstand in Berlin. She was chairwoman of the advisory board for arts of the first International Women’s University in Hannover/ifu, which took place in the year of 2000 parallel to EXPO. Many years she was responsible for the umbrella organization of art associations in Germany (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Kunstvereine - ADKV) and was co-speaker of the Council for the Arts in Berlin (Rat für die Künste). When Leonie Baumann started at weißensee kunsthochschule berlin she was appointed for the Advisory Board for Art in Public for the Governing Mayor of Berlin for four years. She was member of the Advisory Board Urbane Künste Ruhr, the Berlin Project Fund Arts Education and from July 2022 she will be member of the Expert Advisory Board of Art in Architecture at the Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building. In 2011, she co-founded the initiative Stadt Neudenken, which led to a re-orientation of Berlin’s real estate policy.